TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc
Marketing and PR

First TaxCalc SmartPractice Seminar goes down a storm!
Friday 24th June 2016 saw the first TaxCalc SmartPractice Seminar take place at The Aviator Hotel, Farnborough.
The feedback from the seminar has been outstanding with over 90% confirming they would attend again in 2017 and over 85% would recommend the SmartPractice to other practitioners.
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We are delighted to attend Accountex for the 5th year running!
Held at ExCel London on 11th and 12th May, Accountex is the largest, independent, cross-sector supported event in the UK’s accountancy industry.
Come and say hello to the TaxCalc team on stand A164 and find out more about TaxCalc CloudConnect.
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Chips and Gravy
So, now you may be wondering why anyone at TaxCalc would be writing a post about chips and gravy.
Well, we ask our customers if they have a couple of minutes to complete a survey after any remote
We continually review the results and the comments received from these surveys and would like to thank everyone who left the fantastic comments we received throughout January 2016. However, it seems that we just weren’t specific enough for one customer when we asked for additional comments. They took the opportunity to tell us that they like chips and gravy! ...
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Gathering Customer Feedback
We are now in the second week of January and we are pleased to report that, in Support, we are exceeding expectations with an average wait time of just 26 seconds last week.
I mentioned in my previous article that we listen to our customers, and we really do! Part of our review process for cases involves looking at how many customers would like a feature or change to be implemented, so we rely on customers telling us what they want…
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Customer Service at TaxCalc
At TaxCalc, we care about our customers and providing excellent customer service is at the heart of the business. HMRC wait times have been in the news a lot recently and of course it comes as no surprise to anyone that, during a recent Which? Survey, it was revealed that their average wait time between 25 September and 2 October 2015 was 38 minutes – and this wasn’t even during January, the busiest time of the Self Assessment season!
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A Glowing Review From ICPA
One of the great adages of all time is that “All publicity is good publicity” and course we always value feedback and reviews of our software whether positive or negative. It’s what helps us improve what we do and develop even better products.
However, I tend to think that positivity creates more positivity, so I was delighted to read Tony Margaritelli, Chairman of the ICPA, recent review of TaxCalc published in the ICPA Magazine and it is definitely worth sharing…
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New Look TaxCalc
It has been a busy twelve months at TaxCalc, not least within the creative department. Growth in all areas of the company had highlighted the urgent requirement for a new on-line presence. As Creative Projects Manager, I was charged with evolving the previous TaxCalc e-commerce site into the contemporary web solution that exists today.
As a Creative Marketer, I have come to realise that the most difficult project any creative department can work on is ones own company’s on-line marketing collateral. The successful implementation of any new solution would be dependent on fulfilling the needs and requirements of many different sections of the business, all with their distinct ‘must haves’. Also required would be a strongly branded, on-line solution that would appeal to all sectors of TaxCalc’s client base. From individuals to the largest accountancy practices, the full diversity of TaxCalc’s accounting software solutions needed to be showcased. Therefore analysing TaxCalc’s complex business and client requirements, the creative brief was born.
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