TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc
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Anti-money laundering sneaks itself on hectic January tax season
For a lot of accountants, January is not the best time to think of anything else other than tax. As you tuck in to SA return after SA return you may or may not have noticed that following a consultation back in June 2019 the money laundering and terrorist financing (amendment) regulations 2019 (MLRs) came into force on 10 January 2020, updating existing regulations.
Here is a brief summary of some of the key changes within the 2019 regulations.
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MTD. VAT. Brexit... AOK?
While the UK finds itself these days having to manoeuvre political and economic minefields, the accountancy profession faces its own increasing levels of uncertainty with technological, social and legal factors influencing practices at every turn.
The challenges have been continuous, with updated FRSs, the GDPR, MLRs and the imminent rollout of MTD for VAT with BREXIT and MTD for Business hot on their heels. There’s simply no getting away from the fact that change is inevitable.
These changes will affect the services you provide, how you interact with your clients – and how you manage your practice.

Advanced Companies House Integration and enhanced Task, Work Tracking and Deadline Management
You’ll know how committed we are to enhancing your TaxCalc experience and improving your practice’s performance.
We've listened to your feedback and have made a number of improvements to task management and enhanced the facility to sync data from Companies House.

How our latest Accounts Production updates will add zip to your practice
After picking up the trophy for best Accounts Production software at AccountingWEB’s Software Excellence awards 2017, we didn’t want to rest on our laurels. In fact, we’ve been busy improving TaxCalc Accounts Production further still to help you stay compliant and increase your efficiency. We’re delighted to share our latest updates with you here:
- A refresh of the styling within Edit Notes
- New quick filter and access options
- Improvements to Admin level notes and disclosures
- Additional statement preferences for FRS 102 1A
- Plus, many more…

Late Filing. The facts and figures (and how to avoid a £1,500 sting in the tail).
Companies filing their accounts late can incur an eye-watering £1,500 fine after six months. One would think that’s enough to focus the mind, yet the number of penalties being handed out by Companies House has seen a spike over the past year. The stats for the year to March 2017 make interesting reading...
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An expert’s view on the New Small Companies Regime: Q&A with Steve Collings
With the new Small Companies Regime now in full swing (and, following the first mandatory filing deadline for FRS 102 section 1A and FRS 105 accounts with a December 2016 year end), we thought we’d take some time to reflect on its adoption. And so we’ve reached out to industry expert Steve Collings for a short Q&A to give his opinions on some of the challenges adopters are still facing.
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Meet the team - Martin Davey
Innovation in Practice, The Digital Tax People, passion, creativity, simplicity, fun, enjoyment, respect, to name just a few. Are they just words or do they mean something more? I’ve only been here a few months and have already seen first-hand how these descriptors make TaxCalc who and what we are.
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Right Said FRED 67. Or not?
We always try to share information and insights to support your life in practice. In this case, it’s the curious case of additional disclosures required by Micro-Entities (FRS 105)
Until recently, it hasn’t been necessary for accountants to provide much in the way of notes to Micro-Entity accounts. But that’s now changed.
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