TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc
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TaxCalc Tax Return Production 2018. Released and ready for action!
This year, the TaxCalc team’s been working hard to bring you fully-compliant software for the 2017/18 tax year BEFORE the start of the compliance year. We know how you like to be organised!
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2017/18 R40 Repayment claims. What’s changed?
As you approach the new Tax Year, claiming tax repayments with the R40 will be pretty much top of your To Do list.
This used to be the quickest way of getting a tax repayment. However HMRC has now issued an updated R40 repayment claim form for 2017/18 which changes the way repayments are sent.

HMRC waive late filing penalties for returns affected by an Exclusion
HMRC have provided information confirming they are waiving late filing penalties or interest where the 31 January deadline is missed or payment of the correct tax is less than it should be due to the continuing errors in HMRC’s 2016/17 tax calculation. Read more for the full statement from HMRC...
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10 Top Tips to beat the 31 January Self-Assessment blues
You probably know that the deadline approaching for submitting your Self Assessment tax return is the end of this month. Here are ten tax return tips to help you file your Self Assessment return in time and without stress.
It’s not just being late that can lead to a nasty letter from HMRC or a fine. By using TaxCalc we’ll also help check for errors and fix issues before you file your return meaning you’ll be much less likely to make any mistakes!
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Mortgage lenders now accept SA302 produced by TaxCalc
Great news. Buying a house has entered the digital age. We’re not talking browsing for a new place on an online estate agent’s website - but banks and building societies.
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HMRC SA APIs AOK? Have your say
Following on from the release of the HMRC Fetch APIs within TaxCalc (and my previous blog on the subject - read the original article here), we’ve received lots of positive feedback from our customers:
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Great news. TaxCalc now incorporates the ability to receive data directly from HMRC using HMRC’s pre-population APIs.
Once you’ve checked the data, all you have to do is click a single button and the data is fed directly into TaxCalc Tax Return Production to generate a tax return. This should save you considerable time and effort.
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HMRC 2016/17 calculation errors and Exclusions - Update
But don’t worry. The fix is on its way.
You may already know that HMRC has made a number of changes to the Personal Savings and Dividend Tax Reform, which became effective from 6th April this year. You’ll also probably know by now that errors were made in the calculation of tax liabilities.
It’s meant that those affected are unable to electronically submit Tax Returns (if an error registers it’s called an Exclusion). Instead they have to file a paper Return, providing at the same time a ‘reasonable excuse’ form. This has proven highly inconvenient and is a potential problem that’s common to users of all brands of tax software.
But fear no more. At TaxCalc we’ve been working closely with HMRC to remedy the situation quickly.
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