TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc

HMRC SA APIs AOK? Have your say
Following on from the release of the HMRC Fetch APIs within TaxCalc (and my previous blog on the subject - read the original article here), we’ve received lots of positive feedback from our customers:
"Blown away this morning after setting up the API Fetch addition to TaxCalc"
Daniel Mobbs, FCCA, Whittington Raymond
As you know, we work closely with HMRC and are always keen to help them improve their digital services. To this end, HMRC has produced a short survey on their Fetch APIs. It would be fantastic to rally as many of our Tax Return Production customers as possible to complete the survey. You can access it here.
Your feedback will be invaluable. Thank you in advance. And if you ever want to feedback further, we always love to hear from you. Simply email
Happy Self Assessment Season!