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2017/18 R40 Repayment claims. What’s changed?
As you approach the new Tax Year, claiming tax repayments with the R40 will be pretty much top of your To Do list.
As you know, this used to be the quickest way of getting a tax repayment. However HMRC has now issued an updated R40 repayment claim form for 2017/18 which changes the way repayments are sent.
It’s now no longer possible to have a tax repayment paid direct into a bank account. Instead, a payable order will be sent by post to either the taxpayer or their nominee.
If your client hasn’t received a repayment, please note that HMRC advises it can take up to four weeks to receive the payable order after submitting the R40.
You can access the updated R40 form and notes on HMRC’s site:
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