TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc
Articles containing the tag "Software"

What can an independent practice learn from the software selection process used by a 200-strong accountancy franchise?
We were recently asked to join two of the directors of the TaxAssist franchise on stage at Accountex. The brief was to share some of the lessons we both learnt during their recent software review, which resulted in TaxCalc being rolled out nationally for core compliance needs.
Whilst outlining the key criteria that turned out to be pivotal in the assessment for the network, it struck us that the very same principles equally apply to an independent practice considering their own needs, and are worth sharing.
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Advanced Companies House Integration and enhanced Task, Work Tracking and Deadline Management
You’ll know how committed we are to enhancing your TaxCalc experience and improving your practice’s performance.
We've listened to your feedback and have made a number of improvements to task management and enhanced the facility to sync data from Companies House.

Overview of our May release
Our latest video will introduce you to new and useful features we’ve packed into our latest release, helping you to prepare for GDPR and MTD.
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How our latest Accounts Production updates will add zip to your practice
After picking up the trophy for best Accounts Production software at AccountingWEB’s Software Excellence awards 2017, we didn’t want to rest on our laurels. In fact, we’ve been busy improving TaxCalc Accounts Production further still to help you stay compliant and increase your efficiency. We’re delighted to share our latest updates with you here:
- A refresh of the styling within Edit Notes
- New quick filter and access options
- Improvements to Admin level notes and disclosures
- Additional statement preferences for FRS 102 1A
- Plus, many more…

HMRC 2016/17 calculation errors and Exclusions - Update
But don’t worry. The fix is on its way.
You may already know that HMRC has made a number of changes to the Personal Savings and Dividend Tax Reform, which became effective from 6th April this year. You’ll also probably know by now that errors were made in the calculation of tax liabilities.
It’s meant that those affected are unable to electronically submit Tax Returns (if an error registers it’s called an Exclusion). Instead they have to file a paper Return, providing at the same time a ‘reasonable excuse’ form. This has proven highly inconvenient and is a potential problem that’s common to users of all brands of tax software.
But fear no more. At TaxCalc we’ve been working closely with HMRC to remedy the situation quickly.
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CloudConnect: Katie Hewitt discovers the cloud without compromise
These days, practices expect their tax and accounting software to enable them to operate freely in the same way that many other cloud-based applications would allow. But for users of certain solutions, the experience of processing tax and accounts remotely has fallen far short of expectations. Losing data when internet connections fail; poor security and back-up; incompatibility between desktop and cloud software; issues with iXBRL tagging – these are just some of the issues raised and reported in the accounting press.
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First TaxCalc SmartPractice Seminar goes down a storm!
Friday 24th June 2016 saw the first TaxCalc SmartPractice Seminar take place at The Aviator Hotel, Farnborough.
The feedback from the seminar has been outstanding with over 90% confirming they would attend again in 2017 and over 85% would recommend the SmartPractice to other practitioners.
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HMRC Making Tax Digital Update
It’s been almost two months since we last posted about HMRC’s Making Tax Digital strategy.
Due to matters such as the local elections and the EU Referendum, not an awful lot has happened since then. However, there have been a few matters of note arising…
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