TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc
Articles containing the tag "Remote working"

Thriving and surviving as business goes digital
The Covid-19 enforced lockdown in March saw firms across the country abruptly move their businesses from being office, to home-based.
For many of those firms that have already embraced the 'Digital Revolution', the transition to home working has been far smoother – and has also come some distinct advantages. Flexible working has resulted in improved productivity and, in many cases, staff morale. Also, firm location and distance is no longer a barrier to serving clients and has resulted in the provision of more responsive advisory services and improved client relationships.
With the lockdown continuing to ease, one TaxCalc customer reflects on the immediate and lasting changes of working from home and going digital.
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Business as usual, in unusual times.
We're living in very strange and surreal times. Times when we have to self-isolate, where we can no longer go into the office or meet our clients face-to-face. Times when we have to find other ways to communicate with each other and access our systems remotely.
Businesses are being forced to rethink how they work and how to adapt in a very short time frame.
So how can you keep your business running - as well providing your clients with the support they need to keep their businesses running too?

How to make the home office work for you
The COVID-19 outbreak is forcing many to convert their home into a professional workspace. Take these steps to ensure it is an opportunity, not a burden.
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An update from our CEO – Friday 20 March
First and foremost, I hope this post finds you and your respective colleagues and families well.
I’m pleased to inform you that Team TaxCalc is still very much fighting fit as I write.
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