TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc

An update from our CEO – Friday 20 March
First and foremost, I hope this message finds you and your respective colleagues and families well.
I’m pleased to inform you that Team TaxCalc is still very much fighting fit as I write.
Working Hours
Now the schools are officially shut, next week is going to be the true test of how some of the TaxCalc Mums and Dads can coordinate their work and their children.
We’re going to monitor this during next week and then we’ll make the decision whether we move towards a degree of shift working amongst our team. Once again, we will do our utmost to ensure the least disruption to you and your firms and will keep you informed.
Support Team
Our Support Team is adjusting to home working supremely well. Calls and emails are being dealt with as we would normally when in the office and I have been updated by Andrew, our Support Director, that there are no repetitive issues to report and no areas of concern with product.
New to TaxCalc?
A big ‘hello’ from us all.
Just to let you know that we have diverted resource onto Data migrations for those of you moving over to TaxCalc from one of our Competitors. We truly appreciate the urgency of this in the current climate and are doing all that is humanly possible to get you up and running as soon as is possible.
The TaxCalc Kids Club
Now that the schools have closed today for goodness knows how long, the TaxCalc Kids Club is gathering momentum. We’ve now got links to virtual exhibitions, theatre productions and learning resources – especially where help and guidance is needed with homework. Once we’ve got everything in place, we’ll be extending this out to you all in case you could do with a bit of ‘managed’ peace. We’re arranging gaming webinars, painting competitions and hopefully some TaxCalc community fun.
I’d like to thank everyone who has responded to these emails with such kind words. It means a great deal and underlines my firm belief that we are here to support each other, in good times and bad.
Thanks again for your continued support of TaxCalc.
Tracy Ebdon-Poole
Founder and CEO, TaxCalc
If you do need to reach me with a specific concern, you can at and I will make it a priority to respond as soon as is possible.