TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc

New Look TaxCalc
It has been a busy twelve months at TaxCalc, not least within the creative department. Growth in all areas of the company had highlighted the urgent requirement for a new on-line presence. As Creative Projects Manager, I was charged with evolving the previous TaxCalc e-commerce site into the contemporary web solution that exists today.
TaxCalc home screen 2015
As a Creative Marketer, I have come to realise that the most difficult project any creative department can work on is ones own company’s on-line marketing collateral. The successful implementation of any new solution would be dependent on fulfilling the needs and requirements of many different sections of the business, all with their distinct ‘must haves’. Also required would be a strongly branded, on-line solution that would appeal to all sectors of TaxCalc’s client base. From individuals to the largest accountancy practices, the full diversity of TaxCalc’s accounting software solutions needed to be showcased. Therefore analysing TaxCalc’s complex business and client requirements, the creative brief was born.
Just as TaxCalc is so much more than just a range of accountancy software, the TaxCalc 2015 website needed to be so much more than an online shopping cart. Having created a product portfolio that was growing exponentially; the company was desperate for a brand that ‘ticked all the boxes’. Added to this, a successful R&D policy was highlighting a greater need for a more “future proof” solution. It was also necessary to reflect the strong company ethos that exists. To highlight the benefits of the products, the people and the passion that resides within the heart of TaxCalc.
Striking changes
I believe that one of the major visual changes to the site is the striking new header imagery. Specifically created to bring together the various products and sections under one visual umbrella. Strong, content specific imagery of our software in action also effortlessly transposes itself onto the printed page. It was also an important part of the initial brief that the new branding would work well across all marketing sectors. The 2015 Accountex exhibition is a perfect example of how the newly developed brand can be successfully transferred onto different type of media, ensuring that TaxCalc is instantly identifiable across all the industry’s media platforms.
Accountex 2015
However, overall the biggest development within the website, is the inclusion of the programme screenshots. It was obvious that TaxCalc’s fantastic new application user interface needed to be showcased. Screenshots of the various software applications have become the “Hero” of the TaxCalc marketing collateral, highlighting many of the benefits of a user interface, which is arguably the new “look” of accountancy software.
The future
As previously stated, the new site has been designed and produced mindful that other offerings will be provided to the marketplace and these will be seamlessly integrated utalising TaxCalc’s comprehensive Brand Guidelines solution. Future business solutions such as TaxCalc’s Cloud offering will be launched later this year and will be an integral part of the TaxCalc 2015 web presence.