TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc

An update from our CEO – Support Hours and TaxCalc 2020 Release
As promised, I will continue to update you all on what’s happening in TaxCalc
TaxCalc 2020 Release
- We are in the final stages of testing for the 2020 release with a view to the release landing by the end of this month. Our Product Director, Pauline and her team are doing a phenomenal job of pulling all this together.
- I’m delighted to report that the switch to working from home has not added any delay to our product delivery and we are confident the next release with be with you all shortly.
Customer Support
- Our Customer Support Team is now set up and working from home, dealing with calls as if they are in the office. I’m delighted to report that, at current staffing levels, we are operating as per normal.
- Our new phone system enables all of our support team to see the call queue and the number of customers waiting to speak to us from their laptops. This can also be extended across the whole company should needs be.
Customer Support Hours are now 9.30am – 5.00pm – Monday to Friday
Due to the fact that we are all remote working, keeping our teams engaged and focussed on corporate objectives is of paramount importance. So that you understand how we are managing this situation, we are doing the following:
- At 9am each morning the whole support team will engage in a video conference with our support leaders, Andrew, Dan and Mel to discuss and report upon the previous day and what’s new in overnight.
- They will then be allocated their daily objectives, lunch break and 2 x 15 minute breaks to take during the day.
- At the end of the call session they will have a round table session and engage with each other. This is of vital importance for their mental health and wellbeing.
- Phone lines will open at 9.30am
How we are working – day 2
- As I am sure you appreciate this is a massive adjustment for the company. We now have over 100 TaxCalc employees working from home many of whom have school age children.
- Now we know that all of the schools and day care facilities will be closing from Friday, we are in the process of assisting our TaxCalc Mums and Dads to find ways to help them care for their children, and fulfil their role within the business.
- Our HR Director is video calling them all individually today and plans will be implemented to accommodate them.
- The youngest of our employees are setting up ‘The TaxCalc Kids Club’ and will be providing online entertainment during the busy times of the day to let the Mums and Dads work. They are currently creating a range of activities in conjunction with our local schools. This is headed up by our Events Manager, Tess (a Mum of an 11-year old), so we are well placed to offer an effective resource.
How we are communicating as a business?
Each morning at 9am we have a company ‘video check in’. This is held by all department heads and is objectively driven to ensure that we are responding to business critical issues as they may arise.
Directors have video conferences at 12 noon to make decisions based on the feedback from the respective heads and again at 5pm, following the government updates.
How are we health-wise?
At the time of writing, we are all OK. We have had a few of the team self-isolating but now that we are working from home, we have reduced the risk of infection considerably. Long may this continue. Plans are in place to ensure minimal disruption to you and your firm regardless of staffing levels.
Thanks again for your continued support of TaxCalc. If you do need to reach me with a specific concern, you can at and I will make it a priority to respond as soon as is possible.