TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc

An update from our CEO – Where we are today
First and foremost, I hope you and your respective colleagues and families are well.
TaxCalc Update (2019-2020 Tax year)
I’m delighted, and very proud to say that Team TaxCalc has delivered the latest release remotely to keep you compliant with the latest legislative changes for the 2019/20 tax year. Our new release will be rolled out during Monday next week. Please keep your eyes peeled for the email that invites you to download and update.
MRC / COVID-19 measures
We anticipate that the Coronavirus measures the government is implementing will result in some additional requirements to our software.
We are in close contact with our colleagues at HMRC and the FRC to determine exactly what is required. Once we are in an informed position, I will communicate with you all accordingly.
Working Hours
Now the schools are officially shut, the next couple of weeks will be the true test of how some of the TaxCalc Mums and Dads can coordinate their work and their children.
We’ve monitored it this week and they are all doing an amazing job. Once again, we will do our utmost to ensure the least disruption to you and your firms and will keep you informed.
Support Team
Our Support Team is adjusting to home working supremely well. Calls and emails are still being dealt with as we would normally when in the office but we do anticipate that calls will increase following the new software release and we have plans in place to cope with an increase in demand.
Blogs & useful information
As a trusted provider, we always try to go over and above to take care of our customers. Over the past week, we’ve produced a number of articles offering advice on topics linked to our new and unaccustomed way of working, as well as keeping you abreast of the rapidly changing fiscal landscape:
We will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. You are part of our family and we will do all we can to look after you.
If you need me, you can reach me at
Thanks again for your continued support of TaxCalc.
With very best wishes