TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc

COVID-19 and TaxCalc
TaxCalc, like all business is having to implement a change to how we currently work in light of the rapid acceleration of the COVID-19 pandemic. As you would expect of a family business, we have prioritised the wellbeing of our employees and their collective families. As we navigate these uncertain times together, I want to keep you updated and assure you that it’s business as normal at TaxCalc.
We now have all of our employees set up and working from home.
Since the inception of COVID-19, we have been stress-testing our systems, planning ahead and putting sensible measures in place.
As a business, we are focussed on two things:
- The health and wellbeing of our much valued team and that of our customers and to that end:
- All of the TaxCalc team will be working from home for the foreseeable future. We have the necessary systems and procedures in place to facilitate this which means that across the business we are always able to support and engage with you.
- Ensuring that we minimise any disruption to you and your respective firms and continue to support you to the best of our ability. For us to so this, we have:
- Re-assessed skillset throughout the business and if, or when the situation escalates, we are in the position to ensure a level of continuity of support for you commensurate with your needs.
I have held video conferences with the whole company over the last 24 hours and the response, and level of support they are offering is quite overwhelming and makes me so proud to have them as part of our team.
On a personal note however, may I ask for your support too.
Please bear in mind that our sales and support teams are working flat out to support you. Levels of anxiety are high as you would expect, and I am encouraging them to take regular breaks during the day to cope with not only the transition of working from home, but the isolation that brings with it. Please don’t get cross with them, get cross with me instead. My email is
Please feel free to contact me by email at any time and I will do my utmost to allay your fears and help in whatever way I can.
We are very much a team at TaxCalc and it will stay that way through thick and thin.
On behalf of us all at TaxCalc, we wish you continued good health and our ongoing support.