Knowledge Base

Importing your data

One of VAT Filer’s features is the ability to import data from a spreadsheet.

Once your VAT Return has been created, go to the Source VAT data menu. This is where the accounts data that will make up your VAT Return can be entered. To import this directly click on the Import Source Data button and the import data screen will be displayed.

The first thing you will be asked to do is select the spreadsheet file where your VAT data can be found. Click on the Browse button and your computer’s files and folders will be displayed. Once you have found the file, highlight and click Open to make your choice.

You will then need to create an import map so the mappings can be saved. The first time the import is used, this will be entered for you but you can enter a name of your choosing and a description, if you wish. Click Continue to move to the mapping screen.

Mappings can be created in two ways; by clicking on the box number and choosing the cell that contains the VAT data or by clicking the right hand button over the cell you need and selecting the correct box of the VAT Return.

You can double check the mapping of any box by clicking ‘Go to cell’. This will highlight the mapped box. If you need a reminder of what each of the boxes relate to on a VAT Return, this can be easily done by clicking the ‘I’ next to each box.

Once you have made your selections, click Continue to view a summary of the data that will be imported. At this point, you can choose whether to save a copy of the imported spreadsheet against your VAT Return, especially handy if you want to revisit the spreadsheet at any time.

Click Finish and you will be taken back to the Source VAT data screen where your imported source data can be viewed.

Step 2: Creating a VAT return Step 4: Making Adjustments